Because Only Together We can Grown

What We do

Major Area of Services


Health Awarness

We  promote volunteers for social service and participate them to educate, empower and aware the poor and helpless people of rural areas of our country


Health Camps

We provide free health service in the rural areas and conduct various training programs for creating healthy citizens to enhance the quality of health status of Nepal


Philanthropic and relief

We establish mutual coordination between the health workers from different health sectors and establish huge manpower to work at the time of different disasters and accidents (like earthquake, flood, epidemics, etc.) and to provide the first service to the needy people.


Health research and development

We promote research work on a medical issues, the environment, and climate change to cope up with future challenges of this planet.


Training and volunteerism promotion

We collect the information and take advice from qualified and senior health workers, professors for policy making works.


Capacity strengthening

We Promote and strengthen a medically rational, culturally acceptable and economically sustainable Health Care System in the country.


Project conduction, monitoring and evaluation


Preparedness to disaster and its post Management issues (Risk Reduction)

We motivate health workers and community members to work jointly and fight against this pandemic through triage management. We also prepare “DRR” members


Advocacy campaigns against Gender-Based Violence (GBV), drug abuse, child marriage & Human Rights

We aware community people about gender issues and gender based violence.
We educate community people about the laws against gender based violence.
We provide counseling services to individuals who had suffered from gender-based violence. We also work against child marriage issues furthermore we run advocacy programs for the human right agenda.